Yoga Therapy is an application of Yogic principles to an individual with the objective of achieving a particular spiritual, psychological or physiological goal.
What we Offer
Conditions we Treat
At Abhay Charan Yoga we treat the below Chronic ailments
Pranayama for pre & post Surgery
Short-term yoga-based breathing for just 5 days lowers pre-surgery anxiety and post-surgery healing in patients undergoing any surgery.
Preoperative yoga interventions have shown significant benefits on surgical and anaesthetic outcomes across various surgical procedures. Studies have demonstrated that preoperative Pranayama can reduce chronic pain in conditions like osteoarthritis, back/neck pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as alleviate acute pain in labor and postoperative pain in women after gynecological surgery etc.
Corporate and Colleges
Yoga Wellness Program
Corporate yoga is a combination of yoga and meditation to help manage work stress and pressure for better effectiveness.
Incudes- A quick warm up
- Asana Practice
- Pranayama
- Yoga Nidra
Pranayama at Desk
Pranayama acts as a quick fix in reducing the anxiety and stress.
Yoga at Desk
Most of our work is concentrated around our desk. Corporate yoga classes provide yoga at desk to maintain the health of the spine and also to improve the overall health.
Incudes- A quick warm-up
- Chair exercises
- Standing exercises
- 1 to 3 minute meditation technique
Conditions we Treat
At Abhay Charan Yoga we treat the below Chronic ailments
Diabetes (Type 2)
Pain Management
Pranayama for pre & post Surgery
Short-term yoga-based breathing for just 5 days lowers pre-surgery anxiety and post-surgery healing in patients undergoing any surgery.
Preoperative yoga interventions have shown significant benefits on surgical and anaesthetic outcomes across various surgical procedures. Studies have demonstrated that preoperative Pranayama can reduce chronic pain in conditions like osteoarthritis, back/neck pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as alleviate acute pain in labor and postoperative pain in women after gynecological surgery etc.
Corporate and Colleges
Yoga Wellness Program
Corporate yoga is a combination of yoga and meditation to help manage work stress and pressure for better effectiveness.
Incudes- A quick warm up
- Asana Practice
- Pranayama
- Yoga Nidra
Pranayama at Desk
Pranayama acts as a quick fix in reducing the anxiety and stress.
Yoga at Desk
Most of our work is concentrated around our desk. Corporate yoga classes provide yoga at desk to maintain the health of the spine and also to improve the overall health.
Incudes- A quick warm-up
- Chair exercises
- Standing exercises
- 1 to 3 minute meditation technique
Special Program
Weight Loss Program
Yoga helps to reduce weight through adoption of a healthy life style that includes aspects of dietary control along with various Yoga techniques that are designed to burn up the excess calories and redistribute body fat in a Healthy Manner. Certain Yoga Postures help speed up the metabolism, which in turn helps to lose weight.
General Relaxation &
Correcting Sleeping Pattern
Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep as it is commonly known, is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. Yoga Nidra which can help with stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It can also help with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and negative self-blame
Pregnancy Yoga
If you're pregnant and looking for ways to relax or stay fit, you might be considering prenatal yoga. But did you know that prenatal yoga might also help you prepare for labour and promote your baby's health?
What are the benefits of prenatal yoga?
Much like other types of childbirth-preparation classes, prenatal yoga is a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental centring and focused breathing. Research suggests that prenatal yoga is safe and can have many benefits for pregnant women and their babies.
- Improves Sleep
- Reduces Stress and Anxiety
- Increases Strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for Childbirth.
- Decreases lower back pain and nausea
My Inspiration
My Inspiration to take up "Yogic Process" to heal people comes from a book which I read a few years ago.
A book called "The Science of Self Realisation" by "A C Bhakti Vedanta Swamy Prabhupada". from this book, I understood the meaning of "Real Yoga".
Yoga doesn't mean lifting limbs up and down or sit with your eyes closed or observe your breath, all these may bring in a small change, however to transform one's life, it's important to understand the real meaning of the word "Yoga".
Yoga - "Connecting Our Consciousness to the Divine or the Supreme".
"By Linking our Consciousness to the Divine along with Physical Yogic Asanas we automatically align our Mind and Body" this is the first step to heal.
This book gave me answers to many of my questions, I also read another title called "The Perfection of Yoga" from the same author, another gold mine which changed my perception about Yoga and life as a whole.
Vani Kannan
Founder of Abhay Charan Yoga Therapy
I am Vani Kannan, a former Finance professional, who worked in England for 15 years.
I took up to Psychological Therapy, Yoga and Mantra Meditation/Chanting, Reading “AC Bhakti Vedanta Swamy Prabhupad books to help myself, when I was battling my own Physical and Mental ailments.
My conviction and passion for Yoga and helping others to heal started there.
I then trained to be a Yoga Teacher/Therapist at Rishikesh, Himalayas and have helped over 100 clients with their varied ailments for the past 6 years.
My clients have found my technique easy to follow and my own commitment and conviction in it, very inspiring.
My healing success rate is high, as I’m honest, compassionate and I have high Integrity to my work.
My practice includes, Asanas, Pranayama, Yogic Diet recommendation, Mantra Meditation.
It’s a complete life changing/transformative process for anyone who embarks on the Journey of Yoga Therapy with me.
I was suffering with a lot of pain and stress as I couldn’t move or use my right hand because of tendinitis. Vani helped me heal not just physically but mentally as well. Never knew that yoga, meditation and chanting can do wonders. Thank you, Vani, for everything.
TendinitisWe appreciate Vani Kannan’s help on this.
Multiple MyelomaI’m very grateful for her help.